Thursday, February 4, 2010

Well that did it

So tonight my esophagus threw a royal fit. I went in for a .1cc fill today and my esophagus just couldn't handle it. Got to the point where I couldn't keep anything down, including my own spit. I felt like there was something squeezing my throat. It was so incredibly painful! So I called my girl, Colleen, the awesome nurse who helps me, and asked her if she could meet me and unfill me. She did and now I feel 100% better! I can't even explain how awesome that feels.

I don't think I have a slip because I felt immediately better once unfilled. Colleen said most people who have slips don't find that there is really any relief when unfilled. I'm going to go the weekend unfilled and on Monday put a bit back in again. I'm going to get filled back up SLOWLY! Meaning, at best, .2 cc's at a time. Maybe that'll do the trick. In the meantime I'll have to be pretty careful about my calorie intake!

1 comment:

  1. seriously...this sounds miserable!
    glad you feel better!
